customized steelcase 3 drawer mobile pedestal supplier

The customized steelcase 3 drawer mobile pedestal supplier can ensure the safe storage of important documents. The deep lower drawer can accommodate letter size, legal size (F4) and A4 hanging folders. The customized steelcase 3 drawer mobile pedestal supplier drawer can accommodate office supplies. Keep your work space neat and orderly, and the steel structure contains environmentally friendly and recyclable content, thus ensuring reliable and long-lasting performance.

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customized steelcase 3 drawer mobile pedestal supplier is the ideal choice for any office workstation or desk decoration. Equipped with 2 small box drawers and 1 file drawer, it can provide a lot of storage space for daily office supplies and documents, customized steelcase 3 drawer mobile pedestal supplier A complete locking system is included to improve security. Customization is available on the dent.
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