modern design steel 3d mobile pedestal china

The modern design steel 3d mobile pedestal china from DBin is equipped with 5 wheels, 2 lockable universal casters to hold the cabinet in place, 2 normal universal casters for easy movement and 1 additional support caster under the bottom drawer to add extra stability and increase the load-bearing capacity. The design steel 3d mobile pedestal china has a load-bearing capacity of 35 kg for each caster, and uses rigid cold-rolled steel in the raw material, which has a longer service life and excellent environmental performance, which is more friendly to the environment and harmless to human body.

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modern design steel 3d mobile pedestal china with efficient and attractive storage space is the first choice of users nowadays, can be used as a workspace for archiving important documents/notes, is ideal for/folders/books, many other important documents need to be stored securely and locked, has 3 stationery drawers, modern design steel 3d mobile pedestal china file drawer is pre-assembled with stylish and sturdy steel finish, has 3 ball bearing guides, thickness is 0.7mm before standard coating, support weight is 30kg/drawer, 2 out of 5 casters have brakes, locks are foldable, structure is well assembled and user friendly directly use.
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