steel white goose neck 3d mobile pedestal for sale

steel white goose neck 3d mobile pedestal for sale is an ideal addition to any office workstation or desk decoration. Equipped with 2 small box drawers and 1 file drawer, it can provide a lot of storage space for daily office supplies and documents. Including a complete locking system to improve safety, steel white goose neck 3d mobile pedestal for sale can safely store your important documents.

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The drawer of steel white goose neck 3d mobile pedestal for sale can accommodate letter size, legal size (F4) and A4 hanging folders, and the two additional drawers on the top can accommodate office supplies, keeping your work space organized. The steel white goose neck 3d mobile pedestal for sale produced by dbin contains environmental protection and recyclability in the steel structure to ensure reliable and long-lasting performance. The drawer adopts a full-width drawer handle, which can slide quietly to full extension on precision steel ball bearings.
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